The Formation of Sackville Lodge
By R.W. Bro. R. Dennis Kaiser, PDDGM
The seed for Sackville Lodge was planted in the winter of 1986 during a conversation between Brother James Cullen, then Worshipful Master of Bedford Lodge #104, and Most Worshipful Brother Harold Horne, then Chairman of the Condition of the Order. Brother Horne expressed that he felt there was enough population and interest in the communities of Timberlea and Sackville to warrant the forming of new Lodges in these communities. Brother Cullen, with his interest rekindled, expressed his thoughts to other Brothers who encouraged and supported his views.
A petition for a Warrant to establish a new Lodge in Sackville, Nova Scotia, was posted in Brother Wilmer Clouston's shoe repair shop at Downsview Mall, Sackville. In short order, the petition had 25 signatures and the required fees were collected. Brother George Higgins of Bedford Lodge #104 communicated and corresponded with The Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia and Dispensation to form a Lodge was granted at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge on the 03 June 1986.
The first meeting of Sackville Lodge Under Dispensation was held on 06 October 1986, with Brother George Higgins as Worshipful Master, Brother James Cullen as Senior Warden, and Brother Wilmer Clouston as Junior Warden. By-Laws were drawn up and Election of Officers was held on the 02 November 1987.
Installation of Officers, the Consecrating and Constituting of Sackville Lodge #137 was held on 05 December 1987, and a Warrant was issued. The Warrant on the wall has 28 names on it compared to the initial petition, which had 25 signatures, as there were three affiliations while Under Dispensation.
Meetings of Sackville Lodge were originally held in the Bedford Masonic Lodge premises until September 1995, when it was decided by the Brethren to move into the community of Sackville. The Sanctuary of Old Knox United Church was renovated to suit the purpose of a Lodge. The year 1995 was one of many changes, and a great deal of hard work for the members of Sackville Lodge. Worshipful Brother Gerald Graves and his slate of Officers became the second longest to hold office. This occurred as it was decided to hold the Annual Installation of Officers in April rather than in December, while moving the Regular Communications from the first Monday to the second Monday of each month.
In December 1999, Faith United Baptist Church on Gloria Avenue (off Beaverbank Road) was purchased. Renovations were carried out to the building, and the first meeting in Sackville Lodge #137 in its current location was held on 11 September 2000. Sackville Masonic Lodge was dedicated by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Arthur S. Brown, on 20 September 2000.
The original by-laws were passed and adopted in Open Lodge at the Regular Communication of 05 October 1987, and these came into effect on 01 November 1987. Revisions were made 09 June 1997, which became effective 01 January 1998, and revisions were made again made on 08 May 2006 and adopted 12 June 2006.
Since the first meeting of Sackville Lodge in 1986, the membership has tripled and the Lodge has gone through tremendous physical and administrative transformations in a few short years. One thing has not changed, however: the commitment of the Brethren of Sackville Lodge #137 to better themselves and to practice the tenets of Freemasonry.
A mighty tree continues to grow from that first seed.

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